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Religion in the News articles:

Hell No, I Won't Go Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
A whistleblower discredits the Catholic Church's handling of clergy misconduct in Minnesota.

The Pope’s Israel Driveby Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 2 by Yoel Cohen
Israelis barely notice Pope Francis’ visit.

Pope Francis Roars into Town, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 1 by Steven M. Avella
A surprising new pope with a popular touch and an agenda for change. 

The Cardinals Knew What They Were Getting, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 1 by Andrew Walsh
Pre-conclave gossip accurately projects the style and persona of Pope Francis.

Honey, I’m Shrinking the Church,
Was the Catholic bishops’ religious freedom campaign an anti-Obama crusade or an internal crackdown?

The Struggle to Keep Hospitals Catholic, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
The case of Connecticut.

“Religious liberty” in Court, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Marc D. Stern
Can free exercise claims liberate Catholic “public ministries” from the Obamacare contraception mandate?


Ayn No Way: Paul Ryan’s Problem, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Daniel W. Morgan
The GOP vice-presidential candidate hides behind Thomas Aquinas.


Bishops in the Dock, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No.1 by Andrew Walsh

For the first time, high church officials face prosecution in the Catholic sex abuse scandal.


Faithless Ireland, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No.1, by Christine McCarthy McMorris

The government gives the Vatican the cold shoulder.

The Month of the Condom Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No.2, by Mark Silk

Losing Patience with the Vatican Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No.1 by Andrew Walsh
As the world pushes for disciplinary actions against Catholic hierarchs, Rome digs in its heals.

Angling for Anglicans Religion in the News, Vol. 12, No. 3, by William L. Portier.
The pope’s awkward play for Anglo-Catholic converts.

The Irish Map of Hell Religion in the News, Vol. 12, No. 2, by Christine McCarthy McMorris
Perhaps the worst of the Catholic clerical sexual abuse crises shatters Ireland.

No Friends on the Right , Religion in the News, Vol. 12, No.1 by Andrew Walsh
The papal strategy of nurturing conservative growth in order to revitalize the church hits a rough patch.

Dolan Does Gotham Religion in the News, Vol. 12, No.1 by Steven M. Avella
A gregarious newcomer takes the helm of the Archdiocese of New York.

Bishops at Bay, Religion in the News, Vol. 11, No.3 by Patricia O'Connell Killen
Some bishops are feeling frustrated by the Catholic tradition of resisting single issue politics.

Women's Ordination Revisited, Religion in the News, Fall 2008, by Andrew Walsh.
Roman Catholic Womenpriests breaks the cone of silence.

Vaticanese, Editor's column, Religion in the News, Spring 2008, by Mark Silk

Sally Gets Religion, Religion in the News, Spring 2008, by Andrew Walsh
The Washington Post as trendsetter. [coverage of  Pope Benedict's 2008 visit to US]

No More Mr. Nice Pope, Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Andrew Walsh
Pope Benedict's conservative proclivities emerge.

Warsaw Loses an Archbishop, Religion in the News, Winter 2007, Samuel Kassow.
The Wielgus affair reveals a deep fissure in post-Communist Poland.

The Pope Takes a Dive; Religion in the News, Winter 2007, by Andrew Walsh
Pope Benedict makes nice in Turkey.

The Pope Provokes, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, by Mark Silk
Pope Benedict
XVI stirs up the Muslim world. [Editor's column.]

The Passion of the DUI, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, by Leslie A. Miller-Dancy.
Mel Gibson's fall from grace.

No Peace for the Church, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, by Andrew Walsh
The messy course of justice in the abuse scandal.

Culture War, Italian Style, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, Emilio Gentile.
A referendum reveals new enthusiasm for public religion within Italy's governing class.

Getting Right with the Pope, Religion in the News Spring 2005 by James T. Fisher
A new, more  conservative, American Catholic commentariat rises to the top.

What's in a Name?, Religion in the News, Spring 2005
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger becomes Pope Benedict XVI.

Kerry Eucharistes, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by Andrew Walsh
Catholic Bishops are pressed to ban pro-choice politicians from communion.

Breaking Boston's Heart, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by Andrew Walsh
Archbishop Sean O'Malley's massive parish pruning rattles the Old Town.

"Godawful Numbers Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by Andrew Walsh.
Priest pedophilia was even worse than we thought.

"Marrying in Massachusetts,"  Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by David W. Machacek
Bay State bishops go for broke.

"God the Poppa," Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by Christine McCarthy McMorris
So, why are people reading The Da Vinci Code?

"Instructions From the Vatican," Religion in the News, Fall 2003, by Andrew Walsh.
Did the papacy order bishops to cover up sex crimes?

"Hispanic Catholics," Religion in the News, Fall 2003, by Timothy Matovina.
A Special Section on Religion and the 2004 Election.

"Non-Hispanic Catholics," Religion in the News, Fall 2003, by David Yamane.
A Special Section on Religion and the 2004 Election.

"St. Francis to the Rescue,"  Religion in the News, Summer 2003, by Mark Silk.
Brother Sean O'Malley comes to Boston.

Masses of Torts, Religion in the News, Summer 2003, by Marc D. Stern.
The Catholic crisis enters the thicket of civil litigation, where reporters have trouble following it.

"Santorum v. Sodomy" , Religion in the News, Summer 2003 by Christine McCarthy McMorris.
A puff piece launches Rick Santorum down a slippery slope.

"A World of Hurt" , Religion in the News, Spring 2003
Keeping track of the Catholic Scandal.

"Scandal Without End", Religion in the News, Fall 2002
Catholic bishops are squeezed between the Vatican and an aroused laity.

"After the Globe",  Religion in the News, Fall 2002
Boston's other papers rise to the occasion.

"Bishops Up Against the Wall", Religion in the News, Summer 2002 by Andrew Walsh.
The Catholic bishops struggle to find the key to recovery.

"Treading Carefully," Religion in the News, Summer 2002 by Christine McCarthy McMorris.
The gay media find many dangers associated with the Catholic scandal.

Cutting the Church Less Slack, Religion in the News, Summer 2002 by Dennis Hoover.
Religious groups are losing the legal deference they once received.

Is There a Moral Theologian in the House?, Religion in the News, Summer 2002 by Donna McKenzie.
It’s time to look at the church’s theology of sexual ethics.

"The Scandal of Secrecy", Religion in the News, Spring 2002 by Andrew Walsh.
Damaging revelations about the hierarchy's response to priestly sexual misconduct triggers the biggest American religion story ever.

The Cardinal and the Globe, Religion in the News, Spring 2002 by J. Ashe Reardon.
The Boston Globe has been locked in on the priest pedophiles scandal for a decade.

"Whose Man in Havana?" [Pope’s visit to Cuba], by Anthony Burke Smith, Associate Editor

"Jesus off Broadway" [play depicts Jesus as gay], by Anthony Burke Smith, Associate Editor

"Handling Pedophilia" [child molestation in the Roman Catholic Church], by Mark Silk, Editor

"Philadelphia Story" [flap over negative reporting on Cardinal of the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia], by Andrew Walsh, Managing Editor

"Excommunication in Rochester" [inner-city parish gets caught in crossfire of Catholic priest controversy], by Anthony Burke Smith, Associate Editor

"The BVM at the BMA" [depiction of Virgin Mary at Brooklyn Museum of Art draws fire], by Mark Silk, Editor

"Vouchers Move to Center Stage" [vouchers for religious schools], by Andrew Walsh, Managing Editor

"Charitable Choice and the New Religious Center" [faith-based social services and presidential politics], by Dennis R. Hoover, Associate Editor

"Waiting for the Shoe to Drop" [church role in Catholic higher education], by Andrew Walsh, Managing Editor

"Two Cheers for the Pilgrimage" [reaction of Muslims and Eastern Orthodox Christians to Pope John Paul's pilgrimage to the Holy land], by Andrew Walsh, Managing Editor

"A Cardinal in Full" [coverage of the death of Cardinal John O'Connor], by Ashe Reardon, Editorial Assistant

"Go Down, Elian" [Elian Gonzalez as a political cause with religious significance], by Thomas Hambrick-Stowe, Editorial Assistant

"Feeble Opinions on the House Chaplaincy" [review of how editorial writers handled controversy over appointment of chaplain to the U.S. House of Representatives], by Michael McGough, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette