Politics and Elections 

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Evangelicals Wimp Out on Immigration Vol. 15, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
How hard will evangelicals push the GOP on immigration? Not much.


Congress Gets a None, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 1 by Juhem Navarro-Rivera
The era of the non-religious elected official may be dawning.


How Mormons and Evangelicals Became Republicans Religion in the News, Fall 2012 by Mark Silk
The restorationism of the Second Great Awakening was reactivated in the Reagan Revolution.


Democrats Find Their Inner None, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2, by Mark Silk

The Democrats Dump God, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Samuel Dunbar Livingston
The deity drops out of the Democratic platform.

Honey, I’m Shrinking the Church, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
Was the Catholic bishops’ religious freedom campaign an anti-Obama crusade or an internal crackdown?

The Struggle to Keep Hospitals Catholic, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
The case of Connecticut.

Netanyahu’s Anti-Obama Campaign, Religion in the News, Vol 14, No.2 by Ron Kiener
Israel’s prime minister changes the subject from Palestine to Iran.

“Religious liberty” in Court, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Marc D. Stern
Can free exercise claims liberate Catholic “public ministries” from the Obamacare contraception mandate?


Ayn No Way: Paul Ryan’s Problem, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Daniel W. Morgan
The GOP vice-presidential candidate hides behind Thomas Aquinas.


It’s Baaack…, Religion in the News, Vol 14, No.1 by Mark Silk

Religion and the 2012 Campaign.


The New Dominionist Politics, Religion in the News,Vol 14, No 1. by Seth Dowland

Is Christian dominion on the margins or at the heart of evangelical politics?


Without Benefit of Clergy, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 1, by Samuel Dunbar Livingston

Mayor Bloomberg remembers 9/11 his way.

The Religion Gap Abides  Religion in the News, Vol 13, No.2, by John C. Green and Mark Silk
The 2010 election wasn't all about the economy.

Political Islamophobia Religion in the News, Vol 13, No.2, by Andrew Walsh
Anti-Muslim sentiment becomes a political wedge.

Not a Witch but a What? Religion in the News, Vol 13, No.2, by Shannon Smith
Christine O'Donnell's fifteen minutes of fame.

The Fall of Eddie Long Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No. 2, by Anthea D. Butler
Another anti-gay crusader outed.

The Christian Coalition Revisited Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Mark Silk.

The GOP’s Latino Problem Religion in the News, Summer 2010, by Juhem Navarro-Rivera.
The Republican Party is less and less appealing to Latino voters.

The End of the Christian Right Religion in the News, Winter 2010 by Mark Silk.

Obama in Cairo Religion in the News, Fall 2009, by Molly Fitzgerald
The president pitches a do-over in the American relationship with the Muslim world.

Sanford and Wife Religion in the News, Fall 2009 by R. Marie Griffith
It was a rough summer for Republican family values.

Family Ties Religion in the News, Fall 2009 by Mark Silk
Editor's column: The Family on C Street in D.C.

Keeping the Faith-Based , Religion in the News, Vol. 12 No. 1, by Dennis R. Hoover
President Obama retools the Faith-Based Initiative.

Bishops at Bay, Religion in the News, Vol. 11, No.3 by Patricia O'Connell Killen
Some bishops are feeling frustrated by the Catholic tradition of resisting single issue politics.

Picturing Palin's Faith, Religion in the News, Vol. 11, No. 3, by Melissa Proctor.
A few cartoonists were happy to skewer Palin's faith.

No Saints Need Apply, Religion in the News, Vol. 11, No. 3, by John C. Green and Mark Silk
Evangelical hostility to Mormonism cost Mitt Romney dearly.

How to Pray, Religion in the News, Vol. 11, No. 3, by Mark Silk
Chosen to pray at President Obama's 2009 Inauguration.

Region Matters, Religion in the News, Fall 2008, by Mark Silk.
2008 Presidential and V.P. candidates, through the lens of  "religion by region."

Obamarama: Religion in the News, Spring 2008
    Civil Religious Revival, by R. Stephen Warner.
    Barack Obama draws on African-American religion to revitalize civil religion.

    Good For the Jews? by Ron Kiener
Jewish skepticism about voting for Obama.          

    The Wright Neighborhood by Dwight N. Hopkins.
    On Chicago's South Side, it's no mystery why Jeremiah Wright is popular.

    IRS: Bipartisan Tool by Marc Stern.
    Complaints to the IRS are now standard political hardball.

Apologia pro bloga sua, Religion in the News, Winter 2008
The Greenberg Center debuts a new blog on religion and the 2008 election at www.spiritual-politics.org.

God's Own Party: Religion in the News, Winter 2008
  The Primary Field by Reid P. Vineis. Religion problems challenge the GOP’s candidates.
      Huckabee's Baptism by William Lindsey. The Missionary Baptist roots of Huckabee’s populism.   
      When Romney Was a Bishop by Philip Barlow. Mitt Romney’s an authentic Mormon leader, who can dance.
  A Democrat in Sheep's Clothing by Charles Reagan Wilson. A faith-based challenger makes a solid run
       in Mississippi.
Oral Surgery by Matthew Avery Sutton. Terminating ORU’s Republican entanglements.  

The Democrats Get Religion, Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Mark Silk
But, journalists ask, are the candidates religious enough?

Establishing Religion by Executive Order, Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by John Cosgriff.
The Supreme Court defends the Bush faith-based initiative.

Romney and the Mormon Moment, Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Jan Shipps.
Mitt Romney's candidacy puts pressure on the church to open up.

The GOP's Religion Problem, Religion in the News, Winter 2007, by Mark Silk and John C. Green
Less observant voters ditch the Republicans.

There's a Muslim in the House, Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by John Cosgriff.
Mr. Ellison goes to Congress.

Religion and the Supremes, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, David M. Machacek
Faith-based nominations are all the rage.

The View From the Beltway, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, by  Christopher Hitchens
"Secularism: A Symposium," a special supplement to Religion in the News.

Why Moral Values Did Count, Religion in the News, Spring 2005, by JOhn C. Green and Mark Silk.
Religion and religious commitment did, indeed, shape the 2004 election.

"Our New Religious Politics," Religion in the News, Winter 2005.
Editor's Column, by Mark Silk.

"Religion Gap Swings New Ways", Religion in the News, Winter 2005, by John C. Green.
The new swing voters are pretty regular attenders and mainline Protestants.

A Certain Presidency, Religion in the News, Winter 2005, by Andrew M. Manis.
Journalists struggled to get a fix on President Bush's religion.

Kerry Eucharistes, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by Andrew Walsh
Catholic Bishops are pressed to ban pro-choice politicians from communion.

Shocked, Shocked, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, Editor's Column by Mark Silk.
Faith-based politicking and the presidential campaign.

Black Pastors Bridle at Gay Marriage, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by Christine McCarthy McMorris
Does the cultural conservatism of African-American Protestants matter politically?

A Thorn in the Mainline's Side, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by Alexis Schweizer.
The Institute for Religion and Democracy's Diane Knippers makes the media big time.

Gendering the Religion Gap, Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by John Green and Mark Silk
Where the swing votes are.

Religion and the 2004 Election , A Special Supplement to Religion in the News, Fall 2003.

The Decalogue in Montgomery, Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by Michael Evans.

A defiant judge's struggle to keep the Ten Commandments in his courthouse.

The Undetected Tide, Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by John C. Green.
High church-attending, white evangelicals were mobilized.

The New Governing Party, Religion in the News, Spring 2003
A memo on governing from the Georgia Christian Coalition.

Church Notes, Religion in the News, Spring 2003
The shunning of a Democrat.

"What Christian Right?", Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by Mark J. Rozell.
Reports of its death are greatly exaggerated.

Religion and American Politics: The 2000 Election in Context, 2000
[86-page book, Acrobat (.pdf) file], edited by Mark Silk

"Preacher Joe", Religion in the News, Fall 2000, [Joe Lieberman is first Jew to run on a major party's presidential ticket], by Mark Silk, editor

"The Mexican Election: Bringing the Church Back In", Religion in the News, Fall 2000, [The election of Vicente Fox, a devout Catholic, marks a break with Mexican anticlericalism], by Oscar Aguilar Ascensio, Centro de Estudios del Ejercito y Fuerza Aerea, Mexico City

"A Religious Right Arrives in Canada", Religion in the News, Summer 2000, [socially conservative evangelicals emerge as a force to be reckoned with in Canada's national politics], by Dennis R. Hoover, associate editor

"Go Down, Elian", Religion in the News, Summer 2000, [Elian Gonzalez as a political cause with religious significance], by Thomas Hambrick-Stowe, editorial assistant

"Jesus, Political Philosopher", Religion in the News, Spring 2000, [liberal journalists react to George W. Bush citing Jesus in debate], by Thomas Hambrick-Stowe, editorial assistant

"Charitable Choice and the New Religious Center", Religion in the News, Spring 2000, [faith-based social services and presidential politics], by Dennis R. Hoover, associate editor

"Spiritual Politicking and the IRS", Religion in the News, Summer 1999, [IRS cracks down on Christian Coalition], by G. Jeffrey MacDonald, student, Yale Divinity School

"A Different Spiritual Politics", Religion in the News, Summer 1999, [moving beyond culture wars], by Mark Silk, editor

"Montgomery Wars: Religion and Alabama Politics", Religion in the News, Spring 1999, [the religious right and Gov. Fob James], by Gerald Johnson, Auburn University

"A New Establishment?", Religion in the News, Fall 1998, [First Amendment religious issues], by Mark Silk, editor

"Where Preachers Fear to Tread", Religion in the News, Summer 1998, [media moralizing on presidential sex scandal], by Mark Silk, editor