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child abuse, children's rights 

Evangelicals Wimp Out on Immigration Vol. 15, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
How hard will evangelicals push the GOP on immigration? Not much.


Hell No, I Won't Go Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
A whistleblower discredits the Catholic Church's handling of clergy misconduct in Minnesota.


Bishops in the Dock, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No.1 by Andrew Walsh

For the first time, high church officials face prosecution in the Catholic sex abuse scandal.


Faithless Ireland, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No.1, by Christine McCarthy McMorris

The government gives the Vatican the cold shoulder.

Losing Patience with the Vatican Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No.1 by Andrew Walsh
As the world pushes for disciplinary actions against Catholic hierarchs, Rome digs in its heals.

Snatching Babies for Jesus Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Shannon Smith
Haiti’s government arrests U.S. missionaries for attempting unauthorized transportation of children out of the country.

The Irish Map of Hell Religion in the News, Vol. 12, No. 2, by Christine McCarthy McMorris
Perhaps the worst of the Catholic clerical sexual abuse crises shatters Ireland.

FDLS 1, Texas 0, Religion in the News, Fall 2008, by Eugene V. Gallagher..
Texas fumbles its child abuse case against fundamentalist Mormons.

No Peace for the Church, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, by Andrew Walsh
The messy course of justice in the abuse scandal.

"Godawful Numbers Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by Andrew Walsh.
Priest pedophilia was even worse than we thought.

"St. Francis to the Rescue," Religion in the News, Summer 2003, by Mark Silk, editor.

"Instructions From the Vatican," Religion in the News, Fall 2003, by Andrew Walsh.
Did the papacy order bishops to cover up sex crimes?

"A World of Hurt," Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by Andrew Walsh, managing editor.
Keeping track of the Catholic Scandal.

"Scandal Without End",  Religion in the News, Fall 2002, by Andrew Walsh, managing editor. Catholic bishops are squeezed between the Vatican and an aroused laity.

"After the Globe",   Religion in the News, Fall 2002, by Andrew Walsh, managing editor. Boston's other papers rise to the occasion.

"Bishops Up Against the Wall", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Andrew Walsh, managing editor.
The Catholic bishops struggle to find the key to recovery.

"Cutting the Church Less Slack", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Dennis R. Hoover, associate editor.
Religious groups are losing the legal deference they once received.

"Treading Carefully", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Christine McMorris, editorial associate.
The gay media find many dangers associated with the Catholic scandal.

"Is There a Moral Theologian in the House?", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Donna M. McKenzie, Fordham University.
It’s time to look at the church’s theology of sexual ethics.

"The Media vs. the Church", Religion in the News, Spring 2002. By Mark Silk, editor.
Tracking investigative reporting on the sex abuse scandal in the Roman Catholic Church. 

"The Scandal of Secrecy", Religion in the News, Spring 2002. By Andrew Walsh, managing editor.
Damaging revelations about the hierarchy's response to priestly sexual misconduct triggers the biggest American religion story ever.

"The Cardinal and the Globe", Religion in the News, Spring 2002. By J. Ashe Reardon, editorial assistant.
The Boston Globe has been locked in on the priest pedophiles scandal for a decade. 

"Cult Fighting in Massachusetts", Religion in the News, Fall 2000. By Andrew Walsh, managing editor.
A professional cult fighter takes a large and unexamined role in the state investigation of child abuse in a small religious group. 

"Handling Pedophilia", Religion in the News, Summer 1998. By Mark Silk, editor.
Covering child molestation in the Roman Catholic Church.