Publications by Subject:  

First Amendment, democracy, separation of church and state, and equal treatment   


The Contraceptive Mandate Marches On, Religion in the News, Fall 2014 by Mark Silk
The Supreme Court begins to reassess the balance between religious liberty and gender equity in its Hobby Lobby decision.
(Co-written by Sam Livingston and Mark Silk).

Marriage is Always Complicated in Utah  Religion in the News, Fall 2014 by Philip L. Barlow and Scott Marianno
The LDS early history bubbles up to the chagrin of the church’s contemporary leaders.


Marriage Equality and Religious Liberty, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No.1 by Adrienne Fulco
Same-sex marriage amicus briefs foretell future religion cases.


No Standing for It, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 1 by Marc D. Stern

The Supreme Court has made it harder to bring Establishment Clause cases.


Without Benefit of Clergy, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 1, by Samuel Dunbar Livingston

Mayor Bloomberg remembers 9/11 his way.

Sharia Isn't OK Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No. 2 by Marc D. Stern
The Sooner State spurns Islamic law.

The Beat Goes On Religion in the News, Vol. 11, No. 3 by Amory C. Minot
The Army struggles with the anti-Semitic beating of a Jewish recruit.

IRS: Bipartisan Tool Religion in the News, Spring 2008, by Marc Stern.
Complaints to the IRS are now standard political hardball.

Establishing Religion by Executive Order, Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by John Cosgriff.
The Supreme Court defends the Bush faith-based initiative.

At Cross Purposes in San Diego, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, by Dorothy M. Thompson.
A city struggles to keep its cross in the park.

The View From the Beltway, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, by  Christopher Hitchens
"Secularism: A Symposium," a special supplement to Religion in the News.

Intelligent Design on Trial Religion in the News, Fall 2006, by Edward B. Davis
There is a right way to teach intelligent design, but Dover didn't have it.

Religion and the Supremes, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, David M. Machacek
Faith-based nominations are all the rage.

Establishment in the Balance, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, David M. Machacek
The Ten Commandments decision makes more sense than reported.

The God Squadron, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, Anne Loveland.
Evangelicals get their comeuppance at the Air Force Academy.

A Certain Presidency, Religion in the News, Winter 2005.
Journalists struggled to get a fix on President Bush's religion.

"Schiavo Interminable," Religion in the News, Winter 2005
Florida's famous life-support case lives on.

Kerry Eucharistes, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by Andrew Walsh
Catholic Bishops are pressed to ban pro-choice politicians from communion.

Still Under God, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by David W. Machacek.
To almost everyone's relief, the Supreme Court punts on the Newdow case.

Georgia Evolves Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by Rachel Claflin
A loss for intelligent design in the Peachtree state.

Under Whatever, Religion in the News, Fall 2003, by Mark Silk
Editor's column: In God We Trust.
Church Notes, Religion in the News, Spring 2003

The Bible in Memphis, Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by Stephen R. Hayes.
Getting the Bible into Tennessee's public schools curriculum.

"Vouching Towards Bethlehem", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Douglas Laycock, University of Texas School of Law.
Supporters of education vouchers win a big Supreme Court victory, but the war is hardly over.

"Church State Entanglement", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Mark Silk, editor.
The shifting terrain of religious freedom and religious establishment.

"Cutting the Church Less Slack", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Dennis R. Hoover, associate editor.
Religious groups are losing the legal deference they once received.

"Faith in Justice: The Ashcroft Fight", Religion in the News, Spring 2001, [was it kosher to ask the nominee for attorney general about his religion?], by Mark Silk, editor

"Disestablishing Football", Religion in the News, Summer 2000, [Supreme Court decision on prayer at high school football games], by Mark Silk, editor

"Charitable Choice and the New Religious Center", Religion in the News, Spring 2000, [faith-based social services and presidential politics], by Dennis R. Hoover, associate editor

"Discriminating Bodies", Religion in the News, Fall 1999, [private associations and discrimination, Miss America pageant, Boy Scouts], by Marc Stern, American Jewish Congress

"Vouchers Move to Center Stage", Religion in the News, Fall 1999, [vouchers for religious schools], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor

"The BVM at the BMA", Religion in the News, Fall 1999, [depiction of Virgin Mary at Brooklyn Museum of Art draws fire], by Mark Silk, editor

"Something Wiccan This Way Comes", Religion in the News, Summer 1999, [Wicca practiced at Fort Hood, Texas Army base], by Mark Silk, editor

"A New Establishment?", Religion in the News, Fall 1998, [First Amendment religious issues], by Mark Silk, editor

Is Religion Compatible With Liberal Democracy?, 1999
[22-page booklet], by Marc Stern, American Jewish Congress

Religion and American Politics: The 2000 Election in Context, 2000
[86-page book, Acrobat (.pdf)  file], edited by Mark Silk