by Rachel Claflin

On January 28, Reed A. Cartwright, a University of
Georgia doctoral student in genetics, wrote an op-ed for the Atlanta
Journal-Constitution lamenting the Merck drug company’s decision to locate a
new vaccine manufacturing facility in North Carolina rather than Georgia.
Cartwright related the decision to the Georgia Department of Education’s
(DOE) omission of the word “evolution” in new proposed standards for science
education in grades K-12.
“[M]ost teachers will choose to teach only the state
standards, which means the majority of Georgia’s high school students will
graduate with a weak science education,” Cartwright wrote. “At a time when
the state is desperately trying to court the biotech industry, these science
standards encourage companies to look elsewhere.”
The DOE’s deep-sixing of “evolution” in its January 12
release of the proposed standards had eluded the attention of Georgia’s
professional journalists, but the day after Cartwright’s op-ed,
Journal-Constitution education reporter Mary MacDonald was on the case. The
person responsible, it turned out, was Georgia Schools Superintendent Kathy
Cox, who had been elected to office in the statewide Republican sweep of
2002. In place of “evolution” Cox wanted the science standards to employ the
phrase “biological changes over time.”
On January 30, Cox stepped up in her own defense,
telling reporters at a news conference, “This wasn’t so much a religion vs.
science politics kind of issue. This was an issue of how do we ensure that
our kids are getting a quality science education in every classroom across
the state.” Students, she said, “need to understand that science is
constantly changing and they need to be exposed to all legitimate theories.”
In her election campaign, Cox had provided aid and
comfort to the anti-evolution forces in the state. Her news conference made
clear that her purpose was to create a “standard” that would permit the
teaching of both evolution and Intelligent Design,” the theory that life
arose as the result of the creative activity of a higher being.
But in the ensuing firestorm, it took not much longer
for “evolution” to be restored to Georgia public education than God
reportedly took to create the universe.
From Atlanta to Macon to Columbus to Savannah to
Augusta to Athens, Cox’s proposal went over like a lead balloon on Georgia’s
editorial pages. As the Savannah Morning News put it January 30,
“State Schools Superintendent Kathy Cox’s proposal to eliminate all
references to evolution in public school science curriculum is irresponsible
and detrimental to the education of our young people. Whether they believe
the theory or not, they need to know about it and understand it.”
Meanwhile, Georgia’s most famous citizen, Jimmy Carter,
issued a statement stating, not entirely accurately, “[Cox’s] recommendation
that the word ‘evolution’ be prohibited in textbooks will adversely effect
the teaching of science and leave our high school graduates with a serious
handicap as they enter college or private life where freedom of speech will
be permitted.”
The next day, Gov. Tom Purdue, himself the
standard-bearer of the new Georgia Republicanism, provided a way for even
the staunchest opponents of evolution to leap on the anti-Cox bandwagon.
“The name is what it is, and we should call it that,” he told the
Journal-Constitution’s Jim Thrape February 1. “I think that
Superintendent Cox…will listen to the people on these proposals. In this
business you don’t get the privilege of thinking out loud. And I think
Superintendent Cox was thinking out loud.”
For her part, Cox lapsed into silence, leaving public
argument for her position in the hands of a few op-eds and letters to the
“Lost in the fury is the true nature of what the new
standards do,” wrote Randy Singer, executive vice president of the North
American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention in a
Journal-Constitution op-ed. “They replace mandatory statewide
indoctrination with a trust in local science teachers. What’s so wrong with
In fact, a fair amount of mainstream Georgia opinion
had no problem with Intelligent Design as such. In its January 31 editorial,
the Augusta Chronicle may have surprised some of its more
scientifically inclined readers by declaring, “Let’s not try to go backward
with regard to evolution. Let’s move forward with the cause of
demonstrating, scientifically, that life flows naturally from the ultimate
It was, in any event, evident that Georgia’s concern
had less to do with the relative merits of evolution and Intelligent Design
than with developing the intelligence of its youth. “Is it any wonder that
Georgia schoolchildren are ranked far below students in other states in
achievement?” asked James Chamblee of Jekyll Island in a February 2 letter
to the Journal-Constitution.
And then there was the question of what the outside
world would think. On February 1, Euan Ferguson of the London Observer
obliged: “Georgian goons who want us to burst a few buboes, flatten out the
globes and lurch back to happy old pre-Enlightenment days are thuddingly
wrong.” “Georgia,” lamented Journal-Constitution columnist Colin
Campbell February 5, “is becoming an international laughingstock.”
Mockery descended from near as well as far. “Cox
apparently believes the sensitivities of religious fundamentalists should
come ahead of educating students,” opined the St. Petersburg Times
February 4. To be sure, the Times overlooked the fly in its own
ointment: Florida is one of those states (along with Illinois, Kentucky,
Mississippi, and Oklahoma) that, time out of mind, have excluded “evolution”
from their science curriculums.
On February 5, Cox threw in the towel. “I made the
decision to remove the word ‘evolution’ from the draft of the proposed
biology curriculum in an effort to avoid controversy that would prevent
people from reading the substance of the document itself,” she said in a
prepared statement. “Instead, a greater controversy ensued.”
Of course, Georgia’s pundit class was able to wring a
few more days of fun out of the controversy. Thanks to Cox, “everybody in
the country is laughing their heads off at us,” wrote Augusta Chronicle
columnist Dick Yarbrough February 7. “Now do you see why I love