Publications by Subject:  

education, vouchers   

Oral Surgery, Religion in the News, Winter 2008, by Matthew Avery Sutton.
Terminating ORU’s Republican entanglements.

Science Education & Secular Values: A Symposium, "Science Education & Secular Values," a special supplement to Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Barry Kosmin.

The Congruence Between the Scientific and the Secular,  "Science Education & Secular Values," a special supplement to Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Barry Kosmin.

Science Education and Religion: Holding the Center,  "Science Education & Secular Values," a special supplement to Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Jon D. Miller and Robert T. Pennock.

The Competition of Secularism and Religion in a Science Education,  "Science Education & Secular Values," a special supplement to Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by William W. Cobern.

Scientific Literacy in a Postmodern World,  "Science Education & Secular Values," a special supplement to Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Jeffrey Burkhardt.

High School Students Speak Out,  "Science Education & Secular Values," a special supplement to Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Ariela Keysar.

Intelligent Design on Trial Religion in the News, Fall 2006, by Edward B. Davis
There is a right way to teach intelligent design, but Dover didn't have it.

A New Academic Enterprise, Religion in the News, Winter 2006, by Barry A. Kosmin and Ariela Keysar
"Secularism: A Symposium," a special supplement to Religion in the News

Covering Homosexuality in the Schools, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, Marc Stern.
Journalists stumble when it comes to gay issues in public education.

Georgia Evolves Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by Rachel Claflin
A loss for intelligent design in the Peachtree state.

The Bible in Memphis, Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by Stephen R. Hayes.
Getting the Bible into Tennessee's public schools curriculum.

"Vouching Towards Bethlehem", Religion in the News, Summer 2002, by Douglas Laycock, University of Texas School of Law.
Supporters of education vouchers win a big Supreme Court victory, but the war is hardly over.

The Voucher Circus, Religion in the News, Spring 2001, [despite devastating defeats at the ballot box last November, the show goes on for the educational voucher movement], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor

"Waiting for the Shoe to Drop", Religion in the News, Spring 2000, [church role in Catholic higher education], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor

"Vouchers Move to Center Stage", Religion in the News, Fall 1999, [vouchers for religious schools], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor