Publications by Subject:  
legal issues, Supreme Court    


Marriage is Always Complicated in Utah  Religion in the News, Fall 2014 by Philip L. Barlow and Scott Marianno
The LDS early history bubbles up to the chagrin of the church’s contemporary leaders.

Hell No, I Won't Go Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
A whistleblower discredits the Catholic Church's handling of clergy misconduct in Minnesota.

The Contraceptive Mandate Marches On, Religion in the News, Fall 2014 by Mark Silk
The Supreme Court begins to reassess the balance between religious liberty and gender equity in its Hobby Lobby decision.
(Co-written by Sam Livingston and Mark Silk).

Marriage Equality and Religious Liberty, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No.1 by Adrienne Fulco
Same-sex marriage amicus briefs foretell future religion cases.

Honey, I’m Shrinking the Church, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
Was the Catholic bishops’ religious freedom campaign an anti-Obama crusade or an internal crackdown?

The Struggle to Keep Hospitals Catholic, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
The case of Connecticut.

“Religious liberty” in Court, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 2 by Marc D. Stern
Can free exercise claims liberate Catholic “public ministries” from the Obamacare contraception mandate?


Bishops in the Dock, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No.1 by Andrew Walsh

For the first time, high church officials face prosecution in the Catholic sex abuse scandal.


No Standing for It, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 1 by Marc D. Stern

The Supreme Court has made it harder to bring Establishment Clause cases.

Sharia Isn't OK Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No. 2 by Marc D. Stern
The Sooner State spurns Islamic law.

An Army of One  Religion in the News, Vol 12, No.3, by Andrew Walsh.
The debate over whether the Fort Hood gunman is terrorist or “workplace murderer?”

Breaking Up Is Hard to Adjudicate, Religion in the News, Vol 12, No.1  by Marc D. Stern
Complex litigation over who owns breakaway-Episcopal parishes may create precedents for court intervention to decide which parties in theological disputes should prevail.

Show Me the Money, Religion in the News, Winter 2008, by Frank Kirkpatrick. 
The Episcopal Church fights hard to retain the cash and property of defecting parishes.