Summer 2011, Vol. 13, No. 2

Quick Links:

Spiritual Politics blog

Table of Contents

From the Editor:
The Month of the Condom

Political Islamophobia

Our Christian Nation

Sharia Isn't OK

The Religion Gap Abides

Not a Witch but a What?

The Fall of Eddie Long

No Goyim Need Apply

The Golb Affair



Contributors/Religion in the News Staff

Mark Silk, Editor
Andrew Walsh, Managing Editor
Christine McCarthy McMorris, Associate Editor

Editorial Assistants:

Daniel W. Morgan
Shannon L. Smith

Jo Lynn Alcorn, Designer                            Stephen Alcorn, Illustrator

Contributors to this Issue

Anthea D. Butler is associate professor of religious studies and graduate chair of religion at the University of Pennsylvania. Her latest book is Women in the Church of God in Christ: Making a Sanctified World.

James R. Davila is professor of early Jewish studies at the University of St Andrews, Scotland, and is a member of the international team that published the Dead Sea Scrolls.

John C. Green is professor of political science and director of the Ray C. Bliss Institute of Applied Politics at the University of Akron. 

Ronald Kiener is professor of religion at Trinity College and directs its Jewish studies program.

Marc D. Stern is associate general counsel for legal advocacy of the American Jewish Committee.