Publications by Subject:  

memorials, public mourning rituals and ceremonies   


Without Benefit of Clergy, Religion in the News, Vol. 14, No. 1, by Samuel Dunbar Livingston

Mayor Bloomberg remembers 9/11 his way.

Singing Against the Rubble Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Elizabeth McAlister
Haitians turn to sacred song--and Americans to telethons-- to heal the country’s grievous wounds.

How to Pray, Religion in the News, Vol. 11, No. 3, by Mark Silk
Chosen to pray at President Obama's 2009 Inauguration.

"9/11 On Our Mind",  Religion in the News, Fall 2002, [The victims of 9/11 take their place in America's cult of the dead], by Gary Laderman, Emory University.

"The Civil Religion Goes to War", Religion in the News, Fall 2001, [Presidential rhetoric and civil religion in times of national crisis], by Mark Silk, editor

"Good for What Ails Us", Religion in the News, Fall 2001, [journalists keep the faith in a time of crisis after the 9-11 attacks], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor

"Purging Ourselves of Timothy McVeigh", Religion in the News, Summer 2001, [America tries to put the Oklahoma City bombing behind it], by Edward Linenthal, University of Wisconsin, Oshkosh

"Preaching the Word in Littleton", Religion in the News, Summer 1999, [evangelical language in public mourning rituals], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor