Publications by Subject:  

gay rights, homosexuality, homophobia   


Marriage is Always Complicated in Utah  Religion in the News, Fall 2014 by Philip L. Barlow and Scott Marianno
The LDS early history bubbles up to the chagrin of the church’s contemporary leaders.

Marriage Equality and Religious Liberty, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No.1 by Adrienne Fulco
Same-sex marriage amicus briefs foretell future religion cases.

The Month of the Condom Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No.2, by Mark Silk

The Fall of Eddie Long Religion in the News, Vol. 13, No. 2, by Anthea D. Butler
Another anti-gay crusader outed.

Uganda’s Anti-Gay Bill Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Mark Fackler
A proposed death penalty for homosexuals attracts the world’s attention.

The Word from Kampala’s Anglicans Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Jesse Masai
The Church of Uganda hates the sin, but the bill goes too far.

The Open and Affirming Lutherans, Religion in the News, Vol.1 2, no.3, by L. DeAne Lagerquist.
The ELCA backs the pastoral service of partnered gay clergy.

The Episcopalian Split  Religion in the News, Vol. 12, No. 2, by Frank Kirkpatrick
Change picks up speed as the Episcopal Church moves past schism over gay ordination and marriage.

Haggard Agonistes Religion in the News, Vol. 12, No. 1, by Brendan Kelly
A hip documentary explores a fallen evangelical pastor's struggle to recover from scandal.

Riverside's Black-White Divide, Religion in the News, Vol. 11. No. 3,  by Thea A. Button and Andrew Walsh
A new pastor takes sides in the mainline flagship's long internal division over gay inclusion.

The Mormon Proposition, Religion in the News, Vol.11, No.3, by Doe Daughtrey
California Mormons answer their church's call to fight gay marriage.

Lambeth, Blah, Blah, Blah, Religion in the News, Fall 2008 by Frank Kirkpatrick
The Archbishop of Canterbury's jawboning strategy tamps down the Anglican crisis.

Show Me the Money, Religion in the News, Winter 2008, by Frank Kirkpatrick. 
The Episcopal Church fights hard to retain the cash and property of defecting parishes.

People Who Loved Tammy Faye, Religion in the News, Summer/Fall 2007, by Christine McCarthy McMorris.
In the end, the gay community returned her embrace.

Maybe the Center Holds After All, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, by Frank Kirkpatrick.
The Episcopal crackup fails to materialize.

Covering Homosexuality in the Schools, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, Marc Stern.
Journalists stumble when it comes to gay issues in public education.

Same Sex Toons, Religion in the News, Spring 2005, by Christine McCarthy McMorris.
The Religious Right and the media spar over SpongeBob SquarePants and Buster Baxter.

"Windsor Knot," Religion in the News, Winter 2005, by Michael McGough.
Journalists cut - sometimes too quickly - to the chase in covering an Anglican report about gay bishops, poaching prelates, and impaired communion.

Tying the Knot in the Bay State, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by David W. Machacek
Is same-sex marriage on the road to public acceptance in Massachusetts?

Black Pastors Bridle at Gay Marriage, Religion in the News, Summer 2004, by Christine McCarthy McMorris
Does the cultural conservatism of African-American Protestants matter politically?

Marrying in MassachusettsReligion in the News, Spring 2004, by David W. Machacek
Bay State bishops go for broke.

Same-Sex Culture War|  Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by David W. Machacek
A dialogue of the deaf - almost.

Breaking Up is Hard to Do, Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by Frank Kirkpatrick.
Reports of Episcopal schism may be exaggerated.

The Anglican Crackup, Religion in the News, Fall 2003, by Frank Kirkpatrick.
The consecration of a gay bishop sends the Anglican communion to the brink.

The View From Lagos, Religion in the News, Fall 2003, by Matthew A. Ojo.
Nigerian Anglicans flex their muscles.

"Scandal Without End",  Religion in the News, Fall 2002, by Andrew Walsh, managing editor. Catholic bishops are squeezed between the Vatican and an aroused laity.

"After the Globe",   Religion in the News, Fall 2002, by Andrew Walsh, managing editor. Boston's other papers rise to the occasion.

"Treading Carefully", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Christine McMorris, editorial associate.
The gay media find many dangers associated with the Catholic scandal.

"Is There a Moral Theologian in the House?", Religion in the News, Summer 2002. By Donna M. McKenzie, Fordham University.
It’s time to look at the church’s theology of sexual ethics.

"The Scandal of Secrecy", Religion in the News, Spring 2002. [Damaging revelations about the hierarchy's response to priestly sexual misconduct triggers the biggest American religion story ever.] By Andrew Walsh, managing editor.

"Good for What Ails Us", Religion in the News, Fall 2001, [journalists keep the faith in a time of crisis after the 9-11 attacks], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor

"The Never Ending Story", Religion in the News, Fall 2000, [the long struggle among mainline Protestants over demands of homosexuals], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor

"Methodism’s Time of Trials", Religion in the News, Summer 1999, [gay marriage and ecclesiastical trials], by Keith Hartman, journalist and freelance writer, Atlanta

"Excommunication in Rochester", Religion in the News, Spring 1999, [inner-city parish gets caught in crossfire of Catholic priest controversy involving issues of the role of women and gays in the church], by Anthony Burke Smith, associate editor

"Jesus Off Broadway", Religion in the News, Fall 1998, [controversy over Manhattan Theatre Club's production of Corpus Christi, a play depicting life of Jesus from gay perspective], by Anthony Burke Smith, associate editor