Spring 2001
Related Articles:
"Peanuts for
Christ", Religion in the News, Summer 2000
"Epic Respectability", Religion
in the News, Spring 1999
Other articles
in this issue:
From the Editor:
Sacred is as Sacred Does
Palestinians and Israelis:
Rites of Return
Palestinians and Israelis:
Oh, Jerusalem!
Faith-Based Ambivalence
Ten Issues to Keep an Eye On
What Would Moses Do?:
Debt Relief in the Jubilee Year
Hide, Jesse, Hide
Faith in Justice:
The Ashcroft Fight
Aum Alone
The Voucher Circus
Puffing Exorcism

Left Behind
At the Box Office
by Tom Hambrick-Stowe At the end of the last millennium, evangelical Christianity broke into
mainstream American entertainment. In 1999, reported that Christian pop/rock
stars like Charlotte Church and Amy Grant had made Christian music the fifth largest genre
with gains of 11.5% in album sales compared to 6.2% for the music industry as a whole. And
on network TV, CBSs Touched By An Angel succeeded as prime-time
entertainment, twice making the Nielsen top 20 shows in January 2001. In addition, the
apocalyptic novel Left Behind (along with its brood of sequels) established itself
on the New York Times bestseller list.
The only notable holdout was Hollywood, where movies with
religious themes are legion, yet shrink from the kind of unambiguous calls for conversion
that evangelicalism favors. But since the "Left Behind" series was up to 25
million units in sales and counting, it looked like a film version might breach this final
mass cultural barrier.
Based on Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins novel, Left
Behind: The Movie is centered on the biblical prophecy of the Rapture. It
begins with star Kirk Cameron, the former Growing Pains heartthrob who plays
"GNN" reporter Buck Williams, witnessing a Russian/Arab invasion of Israel. The
invasion goes wrong as every fighter jet spontaneously blows up in a supernatural
firestorm. Shortly thereafter, millions of people suddenly vanish and in his search for
answers Buck learns about the prophesied Rapture. He realizes that he has been "left
behind" and along with airline pilot Rayford Steele, his daughter Chloe, and Pastor
Bruce Barnes, they must endure the Tribulation and battle against the antichrist (who,
incidentally, heads up the United Nations).
As producer Peter Lalondes told the Atlanta Journal and
Constitutions Bob Longino in an October 31, 2000 article, Left Behind was
intended to "demonstrate to Hollywood that a large market does exist for
Christian films and make them recognize how profitable it would be to make more movies
like this."
To accomplish so exalted a goal, The Movies
production company designed a unique grass-roots marketing strategy that began with
"pre-releasing" the video version of the movie in October before releasing it to
the theaters in February. The idea was for hard-core fans of the book series to buy the
video, tell their friends about it and join a program to sponsor showings in multiplexes
around the country. With luck (and Gods grace), there would be sufficient
buzz that movie-goers would show up en masse at the theaters and break box office
records in February, a traditionally slow month for Hollywood.
The first part of this grass-roots campaign got off to a
stunning start. "What recent release was the No. 1 selling action and adventure flick
on for four straight weeksfrom mid October through mid November?"
asked the St. Petersburg Times November 21. "It was Left Behind: The Movie."
New York Daily News Religion Editor Charles Bell reported January 22 that since its
October 3 release, the films video version had sold more than 3 million
copies"more, incidentally, than The Green Mile or Toy Story 2."
Success was also achieved in Phase IIthe enlisting of
local churches and businesses to sponsor and co-finance the marketing and distribution of
the movie in their market. Sponsors would send Cloud Ten a check for $3000 to get the
movie into the theater as well as to pay for marketing. "Critics," wrote John
Lippman in the February 1 Wall Street Journal, "see the church involvement as
a ploy to push Left Behind: The Movie quickly onto the box-office charts, making it
appear more popular than it otherwise would be." (As if other marketing plans
dont try to make movies more popular than they otherwise would be.)
In parts of the country where evangelicals are thick on the
ground, the campaign appears to have had some success. For example, Allison
Gunns Kindred Christian bookstore in Birmingham, Alabama invested $30,000 in the
movie and as of February 1 had orders for over 8,000 tickets.
On the other hand, although (according to the February 11 Hartford
Courant) 11 Hartford-area churches sponsored a theatrical showing of Left Behind:
The Movie at Showcase Cinemas in East Hartford, the film managed to draw only 919
customers in its first week. When I saw it with a friend in week 2, the audience
totaled four.
According to the web site, Left Behind grossed
$2.15 million on 867 screens in its first week, putting it 17th on the national
box office top-50 list. By week five it had fallen to 38th, showing on only 70
screens nationwide, with gross revenues of just $3.9 million. By comparison, the romantic
comedy "Head Over Heels," also in its fifth week, trailed Left Behind at
number 45 but had earned more than $10 million. The movies poor revenues suggest
that it never got traction, even in regions where "Bible believers" abound.
Left Behind was a critical as well as a box-office
flop. The view from the mainstream print, broadcast, and on-line media can be summed up in
the headline on Lou Lumemicks February 2 review in the New York Post:
"Put This Drivel Behind You." Lumenick went on to say that Left
Behind, "which sounds like the title of the next Adam Sandler comedy, is scarcely
worth renting, let alone spending $9.50 to see." Writing in the November 8 Houston
Chronicle, religion writer Richard Vara called Left Behind "a punchless B
There was worse. James Berardinelli, film reviewer for film, called it "Cheesy. Silly. Moronic. Dull. Plodding.
Torturous," and concluded that the title described "exactly whats going to
happen to this movie at the box office." The most unforgiving review came from the
New York Times Stephen Holden, who called the Buck Williams character the most
"golly gee-whiz young journalist to appear since Jimmy Wilson stalked Superman."
Holden was the first of a number of reviewers to compare Left
Behind unfavorably to Michael Tolkins 1991 film The Rapture, which at the
time got mixed reviews from both the religious and the general press. "To see the
same theme drawn out with visual daring and a genuine sense of awe," writes Holden,
"try renting The Rapture." Desmond Ryan of the Knight Ridder News Service
said, similarly, that Tolkins film "considered the same beliefs with infinitely
more flair and imagination than the simplistic and sorry contrivances of Left Behind."
Not surprisingly, Left Behind found a more receptive
response from evangelical reviewers. "[W]ithout a doubt, Left Behind is well
worth your time," opined the online reviews for Christian Spotlight on the Movies
( "The acting
and directing are top quality." Likewise the dean of evangelical movie reviewers, Ted
Baehr, on his website
gave Left Behind four stars, calling it "the best movie made so far in the
apocalyptic genre and has been crafted with a very careful, deft touch."
Back in the October 25, 1991 MovieGuide, Baehr
declared, "Christian films are boring because you make them to please the church
party bosses." His assessment of Left Behind notwithstanding, the film looked
like it was made to please the evangelical party bosses. It may sell millions of videos to
the choir, but at least at this point in American culture, the public-at-large isnt
ready to buy in.
Related Articles:
"Peanuts for Christ",
Religion in the News, Summer 2000
"Epic Respectability", Religion
in the News, Spring 1999