Summer 2000, Vol. 3, No. 2

Contents Page,
Vol. 3, No. 2


Quick Links
to other articles
in this issue:
From the Editor: Disestablishing Football

Two Cheers for the Pilgrimage

What Really Happened in Uganda?

Go Down, Elian

A Religious Right Arrives in Canada

Feeble Opinions On the House Chaplaincy

A Cardinal in Full

Mormon Women in the Real World

Peanuts for Christ


 Irving Hexham is Professor of Religious Studies at the University of Calgary and editor of various books on African religion, including the multi-volume sacred scriptures of Isaiah Shembe’s amaNazarites

Michael McGough, editorial page editor of the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, has written about religion for, the New Republic, and the New York Times.

Jan Shipps is Professor Emeritus of History and Religious Studies and Senior Research Associate at the Polis Center, Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis. She is the author of the forthcoming Sojourner in the Promised Land: Forty Years Among the Mormons.