Death in the Sweat
Christine McCarthy McMorris

Even in a state that boasts the Grand
Canyon and Monument Valley, the Red Rocks of Sedona inspire awe. Formed 350
million years ago, Arizona’s iron-rich sandstone formations are sacred to
the Yavapai and Apache even as they draw New Agers in search of healing
vortexes of spiritual energy.
On August 16, 1987, thousands of the
latter gathered there for the Harmonic Conversion to welcome a new era of
peace and love. But 22 years later, on October 8, the Red Rocks presided
over neither healing nor harmony.
During a version of a Native American
sweat lodge ceremony run by best-selling author James Arthur Ray, two
participants died on the scene, and 20 others were sent to local hospitals.
A third person died from multiple organ failure after lying in a coma for
nine days.
Just as the Red Rocks mean different
things for New Agers and Native Americans, coverage of the deaths and their
aftermath spun out in two directions. For the mainstream media, the deaths
sparked an overdue look at Ray’s self-help empire and the $11 billion
personal development industry. In the Native American media, the story was
almost exclusively outrage over the hijacking of their spiritual heritage.
The first hint that something had gone
wrong came in a 911 call, the audio of which would be played in an endless
loop on TV programs from the tragedy-magnet Nancy Grace Show to the
networks’ nightly news:
Caller: Two people are not breathing. Two have no
911 Operator: Not breathing?
Caller: Yes.
911 Operator: O.K. Is this the result of a shooting
or something?
Caller: No. It’s a sweat lodge.
Jon Hutchinson, staff reporter for the
Verde Independent, filed one of the early local stories the next day.
Details were sketchy, but, Hutchinson reported, the sweat lodge had been the
final event of James Ray’s Spiritual Warrior Retreat; 48 participants “had
paid over $9000 for the experience.” He added that over 60 people may have
been in a shoulder-high domed structure. Fire Spokeswoman Barbara Rice noted
that crews found “a lack of oxygen between the coverings,” which included
plastic tarps.
In the newspaper world, Phoenix-based
AP reporter Felicia Fonseca became the go-to journalist on the Sweat Lodge
deaths and their aftermath, writing over 25 (and counting) articles. Her
first piece (“Authorities seek cause of Arizona sweat lodge deaths”) was
filed at 7:30 a.m. on October 9 and reprinted in major newspapers from the
New York Times to the Dallas Morning News.
Fonseca immediately focused on one
salient point: While sweat lodges have been safely used by Native Americans
(and other cultures) for centuries, this particular lodge was too crowded,
too hot, lasted too long, and used non-breathing plastic tarps (instead of
animal skins and blankets) as coverings. She quoted a warning by author
Joseph Bruchac (The Native American Sweat Lodge: History and Legends):
“When you imitate someone’s tradition and you don’t know what you are doing,
there’s a danger of doing something very wrong.”
Fonseca was also the first to note that
Ray, who left the state shortly after the deadly event, preferred to stay in
touch via his website, Facebook page,
and Twitter account. In fact, Fonseca reported in an October 10 article, Ray
actually tweeted his expression of sympathy to survivors and families of the
deceased—in the required 140 characters or less:
“My deep heartfelt condolences to
family and friends of those who lost their lives. I am spending the weekend
in prayer and meditation for all involved in this difficult time; and I ask
you to join me in doing the same.”
Also pouncing on Ray’s unfortunate
tweets were Erin Calabrese and Lukas I. Alpert in a scathing October 11
article in the New York Post: “During his Spiritual Warrior retreat,
James Arthur Ray, 51, had twittered: ‘For anything new to live, something
first must die. What needs to die in you so that new life can emerge?’” This
seemingly ominous tweet would be reprinted in many articles and broadcasts,
long after Ray unsuccessfully tried to delete it from his account’s
Felicia Fonseca relentlessly gathered
facts and filed an impressive series of articles on the developing story. On
October 14, she gave details of the strenuous days leading up to the sweat
lodge, including a risky 36-hour solo fast in the desert that only ended the
morning of the sweat.
Later that same day, she filed a story
that followed Ray to Los Angeles, where he broke down in tears during a
public lecture and, taking a cue from O. J.
Simpson, announced that he was hiring his own team of investigators to
“uncover the truth.” The next day, she covered the announcement by Yavapai
County Sheriff Steve Waugh that the deaths were being treated as homicides,
and that Ray was the “primary focus of the investigation.” The death of
third victim Liz Neuman was the focus of Fonseca’s October 18 story, which
revealed that the Neuman family had plans to sue Ray. Later that day, Ray
updated his Facebook status to say he was “saddened by the news of Neuman’s
Ray would find more opportunities for
distress in the weeks and months to come.
On October 21, Fonseca wrote a
devastating article drawing on the first account given by eyewitness Beverly
Bunn, an orthodontist from Texas, who told of multiple people vomiting and
collapsing during the oppressively hot ceremony. Bunn related that Ray stood
by the door and urged people not to leave in between the 15-minute rounds
when the flap was closed. When Bunn heard voices yelling that a woman had
passed out, Ray replied, “We will deal will that after the next round.” And
on February 3, Fonseca reported that Ray had been arrested and taken into
custody on three counts of manslaughter, his bail set at $5 million. While
his lawyers stressed that there had been no criminal intent, the mother of
victim Kirby Brown disagreed: “This wasn’t just a horrible accident. His own
conviction in his omnipotence and his own seduction of money and wealth made
him delusional.”
Ray had to stay in jail for a month
until his bail was reduced. Having cancelled all of his public appearances
(and been told by the judge not to conduct any sweat lodge ceremonies), Ray
took to his video blog and Twitter account to protest his innocence and
spread his gospel of Harmonic Wealth.
While Fonseca did most of the heavy
lifting in the daily newsgathering, other journalists took on the enigma of
James Arthur Ray. Craig Harris and Dennis Wagner wrote an in-depth profile
in the October 23 Arizona Republic that told the rags-to-riches rise
of the son of an Oklahoma preacher, who “even as a boy…was fixated on money
and spirituality.” As an example, the article quotes from Ray’s 2008 book
Harmonic Wealth, where he describes getting a revelation as a boy while
listening to his father preach in Tulsa’s Red Fork Church of God:
“I hear the words that would play in
the background of my life like annoying elevator music for years to come:
‘It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich
man to enter the kingdom of heaven.’ That cannot be true, I thought.”
The article described Ray’s short stint
in junior college, his years as a sales manager for ATT, bankruptcy and
depression—all leading to a 10-day trek through the Sinai Desert, where he
said he had the inspiration for the principle of Harmonic Wealth–how to
attain riches, health, and peace of mind through what Harris and Wagner call
“a cobbling of religions, ancient mysticism, modern science and far-flung
According to Kate Linthicum and DeeDee
Correll of the Los Angeles Times, Ray’s success came after his
inclusion as one of the expert talking heads in The Secret, a wildly
popular 2007 documentary that has sold over 4 million copies. The brainchild
of Australian TV producer Rhonda Byrne, it purports to divulge the ancient
“Law of Attraction”: If you visualize wealth, health, or happiness, a
thinking universe will send it back to you. While the DVD claims “the
secret” has been suppressed since ancient times, Byrne told Jerry Adler in
the March 21, 2007 Newsweek that her inspiration was the 1910 book
The Science of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. Adler wrote that
Wattles was a member of the New Thought movement, described by Rutgers
historian Beryl Satter as “a self-help movement that drew on 19th-century
Americans’ suspicion of elites and on the Protestant tradition of looking
for the ‘inner light.’”
When The Secret hit it big,
James Ray reached a wide TV audience after appearing in 2007 on Larry King
Live, Today, The Ellen DeGeneres Show, and Oprah—twice. While none of the TV
hosts asked hard questions, Winfrey positively gushed in her praise, even
appearing on Larry King Live June 28, 2007 to praise The Secret’s
philosophy. “You really can change your own reality based on the way you
think,” she claimed.
By September 2009, James Ray was a
well-known, mainstream leader in the New Age movement. His company, James
Ray International, had revenues of close to ten million dollars, over 14,000
people had attended his lectures, seminars and retreats, and he lived in a
$4 million mansion in Beverly Hills.
But trouble had disturbed his paradise
before the events of October 8. This time, it was the New York Post’s
Jeane Macintosh who revealed some secrets, reporting that earlier Ray
seminars “were already tainted by serious injury and even suicide.” She
described an event at Disney World in 2005 when a New Jersey woman broke her
hand after Ray “bullied her into performing a ritualistic board-breaking
exercise.” Worse, in July of 2009, when Ray dropped off a group on the
streets of San Diego in rags and without IDs or money to see what it was
like to be homeless, one of the participants, Colleen Conaway, jumped to her
death from a mall.
As revelations continued about Ray’s
past mistakes and his actions during the fatal sweat ceremony, a small but
growing number of journalists began to question the safety for “consumers”
of New Age practices. “The deaths… have led critics of the self-help
industry to step up their attacks,” Scott Kraft reported in an October 22
article in the Los Angeles Times. Kraft quoted John Curtis, founder
of the website Americans Against Self-Help Fraud (AASH), about his claim
that charismatic leaders like Ray prey on confused people to make money.
“I’m hoping and praying that this will put a chilling effect on the
self-help industry,” Curtis related.
On his own website, Curtis’s February 1
posting was more passionate. “What does the terrorist’s failed attempt to
blow up a jetliner have in common with James Ray’s Sweat Lodge Deaths? While
President Obama proposed looking at airline security and enacting
regulations to protect Americans’ lives… a 11 billion dollar industry is
“completely unregulated,” with “NO national organization, NO code of
conduct, NO credentials, NO ethical standards, NO means to sanction, NO
spokesperson…. (etc.)."
In more measured tones, Steve Salerno
penned a feature in the Wall Street Journal October 23 warning that
the industry “can hurt you psychically, it can hurt you financially, and, as
we see, it can hurt you physically.” The worst part, for Salerno, was that
“these activities…once seen as fringe stuff back in the mid-70s…have gone
mainstream.” He concluded that while self-help books fight with Harry Potter
for dominance on the best seller lists, “At least most people realize that
Harry Potter’s wizardry is fictional.”
Christine Whelan, professor of
sociology at the University of Iowa, wrote a more sympathetic piece in the
October 25 Washington Post that got at the appeal of a James Ray.
“What would you do for spiritual enlightenment and personal success?” She
asked,” Would you follow a trusted leader into a
dark, hot tent to experience a version of a centuries-old Native American
sweat lodge ritual?” The answer? “History shows that in the name of
self-help, many people will do just that—and more.”
What raised red flags for Whelan were
both Ray’s recklessness and his followers’ bad judgment, especially when it
came to “the lack of emergency back-up, the intensity of the heat, and not
monitoring participants during the sweat, which all led to negligent
behavior that is disturbing.”
So, is it simply up to the participants
to make sure their experiences are safe? Or, as proposed by U.S. Sen. Amy
Klobuchar (D-MN) of in a letter to Attorney General Eric Holder, should
there be a federal investigation of the October 8 incident and a closer look
by the Justice Department and the FTC into similar activities offered by
different companies?
As the mainstream media tried to assign
blame to the shadier corners of the New Age, outrage among Native Americans
over the sweat lodge deaths—and the commercialization of their ancient
ceremony—was visceral. While local issues of zoning and education preoccupy
most of the over 160 newspapers, journals, and online news sites serving the
U.S. Native population, this story reverberated far beyond Arizona. The
Navaho-Hopi Observer ran a typically angry op-ed October 20 by Chief
Avrol Looking Horse of the Lakota/Dakota/Nakota Nation, who wrote, “[O]ur
way of life is now being exploited and you do more damage than good. No
mention of monetary energy should exist in healing.”
Indian Country Today, a weekly
newspaper and website based in New York that is the biggest distributor of
Indian news in the country, ran a news article announcing that Idaho’s Couer
d’Alene tribal council had passed a resolution condemning “these types of
activities by non-Natives.” Explaining the lodges’ vital importance in
helping Native veterans and troubled young people, it expressed the nearly
universal opinion that “across the country Native Americans are very
appalled by what they read.”
On October 29, the Native Unity
Digest website ran an opinion piece by Bahe Rock, a member of the Diné
people, who demanded that Native ceremonies “must be covered under the
guidelines that were developed to recover stolen ancient artifacts. As ever,
native people must be vigilant about our human rights…and the protection of
our existence.” On November 1, Sam Longblackcat filed a lawsuit on behalf of
the Lakota Nation (located in North and South Dakota) against the U.S.
Government, Arizona, James Arthur Ray, and the Angel Valley Retreat Center,
stating that allowing non-Native ceremonies close to the sacred Red Rocks
violates the terms of their 1868 Peace Treaty.
“After all,” Longblackcat wrote of
Ray’s sweat lodge tragedy, “We don’t go into a Roman Catholic church, put
on the Pope’s hat and take the Pope’s staff and call ourselves Pope.”
On January 20, Arizona state senator
Albert Hale, a former president of the Navaho Nation, introduced Bill 1164,
which would require the Arizona Department of Health Services to regulate
non-Native American individuals or businesses that charge people for taking
part in traditional ceremonies. Citing the incident in Sedona, Hale told the
Arizona Daily Star, “The dominant society has taken all that we have:
our land, our water, our language. Now they’re trying to take our way of
life, and I think it has to stop at some point.”
In spite of the three deaths, it is
doubtful that Anglo seekers of enlightenment will desist in exploring Native
American spirituality. After all, Americans are known for appropriating
whatever they like about different religions (yoga, meditation, angels,
kabbalah) and ditching what they don’t. Sedona’s Red Rocks will continue—for
different reasons—to be a focus for alternative spiritual seekers and
questionable New Age leaders as well as for Native Americans.
There is, however, a need for
journalists—and especially religion writers—to investigate the practices,
beliefs and personal empires of the booming, and completely mainstream, New
Age phenomenon.
James Ray’s court date of August 31 was
postponed after his defense team requested a change of venue. If convicted,
he could spend 12-and-a-half years behind bars for each manslaughter charge.
Media interest will re-emerge as the trial nears—in fact, on June 12, NBC’s
Dateline devoted an entire sensationalized hour to the story that added
little insight to what was already known.
Meanwhile, with his spiritual empire in
shambles and his future uncertain, Ray continues to send out tweets and blog
posts, albeit backpedalling from his usual positive message.
“Sometimes we fall into the romantic
mindset that if I read the right book or I study with the right teacher or I
learn the Law of Attraction or whatever it is, the laws of the universe,
that I’m not going to have any more challenges or obstacles in my life,” he
says on a July 6 video entry. “And yet deep down inside, I think all of us
know that’s just not true.” |