Publications by Subject:  

Religion in the Caribbean, Central and South America

Religion in the News articles:  


Evangelicals Wimp Out on Immigration Vol. 15, No. 2 by Andrew Walsh
How hard will evangelicals push the GOP on immigration? Not much.

Pope Francis Roars into Town, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 1 by Steven M. Avella
A surprising new pope with a popular touch and an agenda for change. 

The Cardinals Knew What They Were Getting, Religion in the News, Vol. 15, No. 1 by Andrew Walsh
Pre-conclave gossip accurately projects the style and persona of Pope Francis.

Haiti Laid Low Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Leslie Desmangles
In the wake of a devastating earthquake, Vodou emerges as a respected public force.

Snatching Babies for Jesus Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Shannon Smith
Haiti’s government arrests U.S. missionaries for attempting unauthorized
transportation of children out of the country.

Singing Against the Rubble Religion in the News, Summer 2010 by Elizabeth McAlister
Haitians turn to sacred song--and Americans to telethons-- to heal the country’s grievous wounds.

"Go Down, Elian", Religion in the News, Summer 2000, by Thomas Hambrick-Stowe, editorial assistant .
Elian Gonzalez as a political cause with religious significance.