Publications by Subject:  

religious studies, sociology, surveys, philosophy, theology  

Noah: The Movie Religion in the News, Vol 15, No. 2 by Seth Sanders
Scripture doesn’t offer much guidance on staging the story of Noah and the Flood.

Pew on Jew Religion in the News, Vol 15, No.2 by Jerome A. Chanes
A Pew survey finds American Jewry more secular and less tied to traditional institutions.

The Golb Affair Religion in the News, Vol. 13, no. 2, by James R. Davila
Filial piety runs amuck.

The Pope Provokes, Religion in the News, Fall 2006, by Mark Silk
Pope Benedict
XVI stirs up the Muslim world. [Editor's column.]

Hindus and Scholars , Religion in the News, Spring 2004, by Arvind Sharma
Don't mess with Ganesh.

James in the Box, Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by Maxine Grossman.
Is an ancient ossuary a key clue, or a showman's manipulation?

O Brother, Who Art Thou?, Religion in the News, Spring 2003, by Michael McGough.
The complex debate over Jesus' family life.

"From the Editor: Taking Stock", Religion in the News, Fall 2000, [discusses findings of a survey of recipients of Religion in the News], by Mark Silk, editor

"Covering the Bible Belt III: Liaisons Religieuses", Religion in the News, Spring 1999, [a university department of religious studies teams up with the Raleigh News and Observer], by Tom Tweed, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, and Yonat Shimron, Raleigh News and Observer

"Church, Lies, and Polling Data", Religion in the News, Fall 1998, [studies show U.S. church attendance rates exaggerated], by Andrew Walsh, managing editor